Thursday, September 20, 2012

Assignment 6- Being Charitable

A charity that really means something to me would be Books For Africa. This organization has one priority and that is to collect, sort, ship, and distribute books to the kids of Africa. They ship over 27 million books to 48 different countries in Africa.

Why does this mean a lot to me? Well because there are a lot of kids that I know that don't take school serious and jus mess around instead of learning . Well theres kids in Africa who would want to take there place and actually want to learn so I would donate 1 million dollars to their charity so that they could get the education they deserve.

assignment 5- politics

Do I follow politics? No not really. I would identify myself as a democrat. I don't think my parents are a registered with a political party. No I don't plan on voting because I don't like to chose between people. What issues are most important to me would be MONEY! If I had to choose someone to be president I would chose Obama because he has been our president for the past 5 years.

Blog Assignment #3- Expertise

What I am an expert at? To be honest I really don't now what I am an expert at but one thing that I am terrible at is school. Well I know a lot about cars and fixing them and pars and accessories for them but I really don't know how to put in a new or rebuilt engine or how to take it out.

 That is something that I have always wanted todo since I was kid destroying toys and taking a part bicycles but then putting them back together making them better. Since I have always wanted to buy a car that doesn't work so that I can restore and put in an engine custom built by me and make the car look all crazy and fast to take to car shows and car meets. Basically just dedicate most of my time into it.

About two weeks ago 1 started a ROP class Automotive Technology that will show me and teach me everything I can possibly now about cars. Its also where  I am gonna do my internship. They are gonna send us all over the county to go On the Job Training so we can experience working with professionals and there work field.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Assignment #2- Favorite?

What interests me? Well the one thing that really interests me would be cars and mechanics. Why because since I was a little boy I have loved destroying things and putting back together. Same with cars I want to assemble them piece by piece thats my dream. Next week I start my a ROP class about mechanics.

Over the summer I bought a crappy 99 Volkswagen Jetta. What makes the car crappy? Well its just in bad condition. The water pump wasn't working so the car would heat up and because of that it ruined the radiator and the sensor it has inside. Since water wouldn't flow right it would burst out and some how it got into the motor oil and ruined that. The day I bought the car I parked it in my parking at my apts and since we need a sticker to park in the parking lot my car got towed for two days. I didn't have the parking sticker because it was to late to go to the managers house and ask for one. Well the point is that when they pulled my car out they ruined the front axle.

Well I just want to learn More about mechanics then I already now so that every time my car breaks down I can fix it and wont have to pay some to do for me. That is the one thing that really interests me the most.  

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Assignment 1- Summer Vacation

What I did over the summer? Well at the beginning of my summer I really did not do much except hang out with my girlfriend and friends. We mostly went to boomers every other day because we had bought the 3 month pass. It lasts up to 90 days and we are able to use it everyday for 4 hours.

Towards the middle of my summer I got a job working at store over at The Block. Since I had started work I was saving up my paychecks to buy a car and I did for about $2000 but it turns out that it was the worst mistake I made ever because I had to invest more money on the car because the engine wasn't working and because the car got towed from apartments in total I spent over $1000 or more on getting it fixed and its still breaks down on me.

The last month of summer I had been going to the beach almost everyday to get a tan. Well that was my amazing summer.